To serve the community in a more better and organized way, Alhamdulillah GIOT has started to create a Deeniyat course “Maktab-e-Ahlebait a.s (مکتبِ اہلبیتؑ)“. A sixth book of this series level 4 (درجہ چہارم) course, for the age of 8-9 years in PDF format has been completed Alhamdulillah.
The book is available for download free of cost.
- صفاتِ ثبوتیہ
- صفاتِ سلبیہ
- خُدا عادل ہے
- امامت
- قیامت
- حج
- امر با لمعروف و نہی عن المنکر
- عید مباہلہ
- ہجرت مدینہ
- قرآن مجید
- اچھی صحبت
- ہمارے اخلاق
- تقلید
- مبطلاتِ وضو
- نماز کا طریقہ
- مسائلِ نماز
- سورۃ الاخلاص
- سورۃ الفلق
- سورۃ الناس
- سورة الكافرون
You can enroll your children to learn Maktab-e-Ahlebait a.s online by experienced faculty including students of Najaf & Qum Seminaries.
Registration process is quite simple and interested people can get registered and started learning right away. Just contact us now:
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