مکتبِ اہلبیتؑ — درجہ اطفال دوّم

مکتبِ اہلبیتؑ — درجہ اطفال دوّم

To serve the community in a more better and organized way, Alhamdulillah GIOT has started to create a Deeniyat course “Maktab-e-Ahlebait a.s (مکتبِ اہلبیتؑ)“. A second book of this series Infant level 2 (درجہ اطفال دوّم) course, for the age of 4-5 years in PDF (Soft Copy) format has been completed Alhamdulillah.

The book is available for download free of cost.


  1. اصُولِ دین
  2. فروعِ دین
  3. ہما راعقیدہ
  4. اللہ
  5. ہمارا دین
  6. بڑے نبیوں کے نام
  7. ہمارے امامؑ
  8. دُرود
  9. سُورَۃُ الاِخْلَاص
  10. سُورَۃُ الکَوثَر


You can enroll your children to learn Maktab-e-Ahlebait a.s online by experienced faculty including students of Najaf & Qum Seminaries.

Registration process is quite simple and interested people can get registered and started learning right away. Just contact us now:

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